Are you taking care of your mind?

Dale Shover
2 min readFeb 22, 2022


Just like your body, your mind benefits from diet and exercise too — the mental kind.

We know how to take care of our bodies.

Eat right and get exercise. We know this, and we know that it requires self-discipline.

But what about your mind? Most of us don’t usually think about it, but the mind needs care too.

Our minds are wired for negativity, for self preservation. For 99% of our evolution, there were dangers all around us.

But even though most of those dangers are gone, they haven’t been gone long enough for our brains to adapt. So, we still tend to negative thought patterns.

Add to that — all the noise around us. Stress, crises, pandemics, illness, hatred, politics…so much drama.

And as if that weren’t enough, we literally feed our brains junk food in the form of news and Netflix.

Our minds are taking a hit, and most of us don’t do much about it.

If you get annoyed easily, have mood swings, get angry, get sad or depressed, if you ruminate, slip into negative thought patterns, procrastinate, indulge in bad habits, have troubled relationships, trouble sleeping…any of these things, it might help to nurture your mind a little.

Just like diet and exercise for the body, your brain needs diet and exercise too.

Here’s a simple tip: take 15 minutes in your day that you would normally spend on news/Netflix/social media/whatever, and instead, use that time to imprint a positive thought into your mind.

You can do this by repeating it to yourself over and over, by writing it down over and over, or just by writing or reading about it generally.

Or better yet…meditate. The benefits of meditation for both body and mind are well understood now. Regular meditation can promote not only a clearer mind, but also healthier thought patterns in general.

Taking care of your mind takes effort, self discipline. But it is critical for good overall health. Just like taking care of your body.

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Dale Shover
Dale Shover

Written by Dale Shover

Mindset coach passionate about helping you to think better and be healthier. Co-founder of NeuroTōnz — optimal health through advanced sound technology.

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